License Requirements

If you have any questions about getting a wedding license please contact me at [email protected] or by calling 505-238-7685.
Requirements for obtaining a WEDDING LICENSE in the State of New Mexico:
NOTE: since COVID happened New Mexico Counties have changed pricing and some Co. Clerks offices are in new addresses. Please call your County Clerk for any new information. The items listed below were current before COVID.
New Mexico Marriage Licenses Marriage License Requirements Age – 18 and over
All individuals must have either a certified birth certificate from the State or Country in which they were born, a Passport with a valid picture showing date of birth, or other valid form of identification, which includes a photo and date of birth.
Age – 16 and 17
All of the information listed above is required along with consent from a parent or legal guardian (no other alternative). Bride and groom must be present with parent or legal guardian in order to sign the marriage license. Parent or legal guardian must have some type of valid identification that includes a photo and proof that they are the parent or legal guardian.
Age – Under 16
Individuals under the age of 16, a Court Order is required (no other alternative) along with the other documents listed above.
Other Requirements
The bride and groom both must be present at the time of marriage license application.
Social Security number is needed for both individuals refer to N.M.S.A., 1978, 27-1-10.A.
If the last name being used on the marriage application differs from the name
appearing on the identification used, a certified copy of the proof of name change is required.
A fee of $25.00 cash or credit card (no checks) must be paid at the time license is issued.
Items Not Required
No blood test is required.
No waiting period prior to purchasing license.
No expiration on license when purchased.
Marriage Arrangements
Marriage ceremonies can be performed in any county in New Mexico only.
Individuals are responsible for making their own marriage arrangements.
The marriage license will need to be recorded within 90 days from the day of marriage ceremony. Fr. Dave offers to process the marriage license as part of his services.
Bernalillo County Clerk's Office contact information:
Bernalillo County (Includes City of Albuquerque area) Clerk of Court
Phone Number: (505)-468-1290 email: [email protected]
Bernalillo County Clerk's Office Website:

Requirements for obtaining a wedding license in the State of Wisconsin:
PLEASE NOTE!! Requirements may vary as each county in Wisconsin could have their own requirements. Check with your County Clerk for changes and clarifications in the requirements before you leave home to apply for your marriage license.
ID Requirement:
You must bring your driver's license with your current address or two pieces of mail with your current address, Social Security Number, and have a certified copy of your birth certificate.
Know your parents full names, mothers' maiden names. Make sure you have the date and place of your marriage ceremony and the name, address and phone number of the officiant.
Make sure you contact your County Clerk's office prior to leaving to get your marriage license. Some counties have different requirements as to required documents.
Residency Requirement:
One of you needs to have resided for at least 30 days in the Wisconsin county where you are applying. If you are from out-of-state, you must apply in the county where the ceremony will take place.
Previous Marriages:
In Wisconsin, you must show proof of divorce, death, or civil annulment from your most recent marriage.
You need to wait six months after a divorce before getting remarried.
Bring a copy of judgment of divorce, legal annulment or death certificate from your most recent marriage.
Waiting Period in Wisconsin:
There is a waiting period of five days in Wisconsin, exclusive of the day you apply -- so it is really like six days. Check with the County Clerk's office for more information.
"BEST "RULE OF THUMB" (considering weekends, etc.): Apply no less than 7 days before and no more than 35 days before the ceremony."
Source: Walworth County
Covenant Marriage Option
Fees in Wisconsin:
Although the fees for a marriage license in Wisconsin vary from county to county, the average cost is $80.00. Be prepared to pay in cash. Check with the County Clerk in your county to know what the fee will be.
Other Tests:
Wisconsin does not require that you take any blood tests.
Proxy Marriages:
No. Proxy marriages are not allowed in Wisconsin.
Cousin Marriages:
No. Cousin marriages are generally not allowed in Wisconsin, though depending on certain circumstances, such as when the bride is 55 years of age or older, cousins may be allowed to marry. Check with the County Clerk for clarification of your own situation.
Common Law Marriages:
No. Common law marriages are not recognized in Wisconsin.
Same Sex Marriages:
No. Gender common couples are not given a Marriage License to wed in Wisconsin.
Under 18:
If either the bride or groom is under 18, you must have written, notarized consent from his or her parents or guardian. There is a Consent form available to be signed by parents or guardian before a County Clerk.
If either of you are under the age of 16, you may not get married in Wisconsin.
Officiants in Wisconsin:
Recognized and authorized wedding officiants are: Ordained member of the clergy, a judge, a court commissioner, or certain religious appointees. You and your prospective spouse may officiate under established customs or rules of some religions.
A Wisconsin marriage license is valid for thirty (30) days. Some Wisconsin counties drop this time frame to two weeks if either one of you is not yet 18 years old.
Copy of Certificate of Marriage:
Vital Records
1 West Wilson Street
P.O. Box 309
Madison, WI 53701
Phone: (608) 266-1371